Reverse Osmosis 4 Stage System Undersink
removes the highest level of contaminents such as fluoride, chlorine, herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, sodium, salts, radioactivity and synthetic epheromones from water, whilst leaving oxygen in the water unlike distillation, which removes the oxygen and gives the water a ‘bland or metallic taste’.
Stage 1 : Mechanical filtration sediment - Protects & extends life of membrane.
Stage 2 : Carbon Pre Filter - for membrane protection from chlorine degradation. Removes residual toxic chemicals/pesticides/chlorine/chloramine/THM/TCE etc.
Stage 3 : Ultra Filtration - Reverse Osmosis Membrane -self cleaning. Rejects and repels salts and impurities of all types from solution due to ionic charge of membrane media combined with ultra filtration.
Stage 4 : Carbon post filter to polish water and remove any organic impurities.
Easily installs inside of 1- 2 hours and can go in laundry if no available space exists under the kitchen sink. The tank often gets installed in a corner cupboard as it does not need to be next to the system itself which often makes installation space possibilities more flexible.
Maintenance: Annual Service – $ 175 (includes Service Technician to clean & sanitise the system, repressurise the holding tank, check the TDS (total dissovled solids) levels and replace Pre-Filter / Post-Filter / Post-Post Filters.
Maintenance: Full Service (3 – 4 years) - $330 (includes Service Technician to clean & sanitise the system, repressurise the holding tank, check the TDS (total dissovled solids) levels and replace Pre-Filter / Post-Filter / Post-Post Filters and Reverse Osmosis Membrane